Friday, November 14, 2008

friday again... wow, a week can sure fly by!

so, today is friday (already?!), which means the week is nearly over, and the weekend is soon upon us. because i am here for work, and not simply to dabble in rural-euro living, and because certain people reading this blog (hi g&g) are very supportive and encouraging of my work, here is an update...

arrived, settled, comfy... check!

assigned oh-so-invaluable helpers... check!

subject recruitment... check! (it is so easy with aforementioned helpers, and being at a sports university!)

subject timetable... in process (trying to convince 10 of 12 subjects to commit to 1st week of testing!)

skis and boots... skis are in lab (check!), and boots are on order from atomic... should be here soon (almost check!)

ski hills selected... 2 options identified... snow conditions in next 2 weeks will determine where we go. (arrangements with hills to book runs, etc., will be made closer to testing date)

in-lab stability test protocol... in progress. the posturomed which i thought we would use is not a great option. i have decided to use their force plates (much more accurate, and more in-line with the study i did at home), and now need to wait until next week when the techie returns from holidays to confirm that they are working (previous issues...). the protocol itself is also in progress... have time set-up next week with one of the subjects to pilot-test for me, to ensure the test is difficult enough, yet sensitive to ramp changes.

ramp angle adjustments... will start on this next week when the boots arrive. BUT, they do have a ramp angle measuring device (yay) that will make life easier. also, the boots have grindable zeppas (boot beds), so adjustments are possible.

software... the programmer is back from holidays next week, so will learn about software, and kistler system when he arrives.

snow... NOT YET?! the temperatures are getting a bit cooler, so i trust it will come soon... please snow, please come!

bottom line... next week will definitely be busy, but rest assured, things are coming together. i am getting excited to get on the hill... another rough day at the office!!

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