Saturday, November 1, 2008

it's all over but the breakfast marathon...

today is the start of the weekend, and in light of my looming departure (2ish days away), ian proposed a wicked adventure to carry us through to the end... the breakfast marathon! i casually mentioned the other day that i wanted to have some eggs bennie before heading off, since one of the things that i found a bit disappointing in europe last year, was the lack of the greasy american breakfasts, and of course the lack of free-flow refills on the java! so, instead of simply heading down to our local breakfast bar, ian has planned three days of heavenly hash, beautiful bennies, and fab french toast. today is belmont... this will be the first time we have visited BD in the loop since i moved in, and i can see a calgary sandwich in my future (well, it depends on what ian orders, since i would really love a taste of their perfect banana pancakes). tomorrow will take us to diner deluxe... for a line up with coffee in hand, wafting scents of the adjacent urban baker, and promises of unique calgary breakfast grub. on departure day, we will head to buffalo... ooohhhh, buffalo... where it is quite likely i will delve into a stack of french toast with an ooey-gooey layer of apples and brie stuffed between.... a most beautiful creation! these three mornings of breakfast will either create a perfect image of the sunday breakfast that i can cherish for the 2 months i am away, or they will completely turn me off greasy garb, clogging my arteries (and pores) in the process! i have my fingers crossed for the former:)

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